Toán Lớp7 - Tập một

by Book99cent



Grade7 Math Volume One is the best textbook appUser manual CHAPTER 1 PRIVATE NUMBERS Lesson 1. The set of rational numbers Lesson 2. Calculations with rational numbers Lesson 3. Powers of a rational number Lesson 4. Parentheses and conversion rules about Lesson 5. Practical and experiential activities: Practicing the pre-electrical planet Exercise at the end of chapter 1 CHAPTER 2 REAL NUMBERS Lesson 1. Irrational numbers. Arithmetic Square Root Lesson 2. Real numbers. The absolute value of a real number Lesson 3. Rounding numbers and estimating the results Lesson 4. Practical activities and experiences: Calculating body mass index (BMI) Exercise at the end of chapter 2 CHAPTER 3 PRACTICAL Cubic Shapes Lesson 1. Rectangle - Cube Lesson 2. Surrounding area and volume of rectangular box, cube Lesson 3. Triangular prism - Vertical prism Trigonometry Lesson 4. Surrounding area and volume of triangular vertical prism, quadrilateral standing prism Lesson 5. Practical and experiential activities: Measurement and folding problems Exercises at the end of chapter 3 CHAPTER 4 Parallel Angles and Lines Lesson 1. Angles in special positions Lesson 2. Bisectors Lesson 3. Two parallel lines Lesson 4. Theorem and proof of a theorem Lesson 5. Practical activities and experience: Draw two parallel lines and measure angles with GeoGebra software Last exercise chapter 4 CHAPTER 5 SOME STATISTIC ELEMENTS Lesson 1.Data collection and classification Lesson 2. Circular fan chart Lesson 3 Line chart Lesson 4. Practical and experiential activities: Using the chart to analyze the learning results of class Maths Exercise at the end of chapter 5 Terminology table Glossary lookup table